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Today was another busy day. There was some fluffy snow in the morning!

The day started with a lecture at 8 am followed by another induction, this time on environment, which was really good. We headed to the ice in front of the station after lunch for more drilling and coring of the ice. Today we got to practice more of the sampling techniques. I had a go at the 10 inch drill and later I went fishing through the hole we made on the ice. This was the first time I used a line to catch fish, and to my surprise, I caught one!

Even to go sampling so close to the station it takes a lot of logistics to get all the gear there. For safety, we have to check out and check in with the communications group via radio when we go to the sea ice. If we don’t check in by our estimated time of arrival the emergency response starts to group and in about 15 min they should be in action. It’s a good idea to not forget to check in!

Tonight, I went to see the release of the weather balloon! We stayed awake until 11:20pm for the tour, which was a challenge on itself after a long day. Adam was the guy working there who gave us a tour of the weather facility! It was quite fun.

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